Organizer Advice
Attend a Buddytree hangout to meet potential friends
What do you believe are the best things about having great friendships in your life?
45 Answers
experiencing a sense of belonging and community even when I'm alone
Since I know that I have people in my life that I can reach out to

having opportunities to laugh and have fun together
Since apparently you are ten times more likely to laugh when others are laughing around you.

people to share experiences, ideas and thoughts with
I tend to spend a lot of time in my head

having people who accept me and value me for who I am

having more opportunities to experience joy and a feeling of being alive

having people to celebrate with when things are going awesome for either of us

developing common interests and skills

(knowing I have support when I need it)

having people who can comfort me when I'm down
so I am less likely to get depressed

having more people to share my values and passions with

having people to share my fears and concerns with

being able to talk about anything without filtering out any contents

Having a support system of people whom you support as well.

being important to another person and vice versa
Sharing joys, sorrows, success. That I matter to someone else.

you have people to confide in
When a friend knows you deeply, you are free to be more authentic.

having a common history of sharing experiences

they add meaning, happiness and confidence to your life

empathy for and from your friends
Empathy is key to having a good bond with anyone and what gives friendship real value.

to learn and grow

it's nice to have company

being able to trust and provide the same

a friend confirms the right you have to the space you occupy
Without friends (outside of books, YouTube, and film -vicarious living) ones sense of belonging is theoretical.

mutual affection, interest in each other

Knowing you're not alone. Ever.

having experiences where you can have meaningful conversations about everything and nothing
with a mix of laughter, love and no judgement

feeling accepted
doesn’t matter how you are there is no judgement

best friendships help each other grow intellectually, emotionally, spiritually and physically too

having someone to share challenging times with

to feel like I can be my authentic, true self and really be seen and accepted and connect on a deeper level

feeling grounded, understood and loved

feeling seen and heard
It’s wonderful to be heard and accepted for who I am... regardless of my known weaknesses.

having experience of 'self' in this life
We only get to know who we are through relation & connection with others.

sharing a long lasting relationship where you know the other person will be both respectful and honest with you
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You are born into your family tree, but your buddytree is yours to create.
Attend a Buddytree hangout to meet some potential friends.