Values & Passions
Organizer Advice
Attend a Buddytree hangout to meet potential friends
What is one of your top values or passions in your life?
19 Answers
I value beauty - in all it's different forms
Beauty in art, in nature, and inner-beauty expressed by people. I enjoy reminding myself that the reason why we are able to recognize beauty when we encounter it is because there's something beautiful in us that resonates with that. A great boost for your self-esteem :)

learning new things

being part of a community

I really value knowing who I am and what I want from life. It's very empowering.

my faith

Helping kids grow to be creative, kind, problem solvers.

making a difference in the world


truth, reason and having a critical mind
in order to make informed, wise decisions based on evidence

supporting a good cause

cooking and eating super-delicious food

the safety and happiness of my children

playing a musical instrument

exploring new places

inclusion and diversity
one example being increasing the quality of life of persons with disabilities

mental growth
Through continuous thinking in the process of life experiences to constantly obtain and revise self-cognition, and then lead to mental growth.
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keep it short - i.e. Let's meet up for drinks
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You are born into your family tree, but your buddytree is yours to create.
Attend a Buddytree hangout to meet some potential friends.