Friendships During a Pandemic
Organizer Advice
Attend a Buddytree hangout to meet potential friends
What tips can you share on how others can safely stay in touch with their friends during the pandemic?
20 Answers
organize video chats
Zoom seems to work the best but Skype is good also.Often it's hard for a large group to all catch up on a video call, so I use Zoom breakout rooms for smaller groups of 5 or 6 people.

organize one-on-one hangouts in parks
We each bring a folding chair as well as something to eat and drink. Even though we're social distancing, it's so great to be able to meet up face-to-face!

organize phone calls
Since the pandemic began, I've had more conversations using my phone than I've had in years. I also get tired of looking at the screen especially since I'm already looking at it so long for my work, so phone calls give my eyes a break! :)

organize picnics in parks with social distancing
We used to meet up for potlucks once a month before the pandemic, but now we're meeting up in a park every two weeks. We usually have around 12 people with social distancing, and we usually play bocce ball or croquet.

We take long walks in the city having fresh air and connecting while keeping a safe distance!

Biking is really fun and safe

Hiking brings you closer to nature & beauty, provides exercise and and is easily done at a safe distance.

a group text thread is a good way to keep in touch with a group
and feel connected even when you are busy

keep making contact with friends who stop making contact with us
They are not necessarily "dumping" us. They could be a little depressed, or just "unskilled in friendship nourishing".

sending photos of common interest activities - gardens, baking, etc.

sending a thoughtful piece of info about a shared interest, even a joke or pic.

reduce your anxiety by researching what the current safety recommendations are for your city

common hobbies - 100% success
With as many hobbies as possible, everyone can have a great discussion.

virtual happy hours

emailing my friends

meet in cafe parking lots
wear masks, bring chairs and drinks
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What's the plan?
keep it short - i.e. Let's meet up for drinks
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You are born into your family tree, but your buddytree is yours to create.
Attend a Buddytree hangout to meet some potential friends.