Getting Inspired
Organizer Advice
Attend a Buddytree hangout to meet potential friends
What kinds of activities do you look forward to doing with friends AFTER the pandemic?
24 Answers
having good conversations in person
expanding intellectual horizons in a social setting can be very uplifting and motivating

meeting up in a cafe or coffee shop

meeting up in a bar or restaurant

hugging them

going out to see a movie together

attending performing arts events
live concerts, live theatre or live dance performances

exploring art galleries and museums

hopping on a plane to visit my closest friends

Swimming and eating in restaurants.

game nights, clothing swaps, and craft nights
I also miss hanging out to do puzzles or drawing together

having movie nights in someone's home

dining out with friends

being spontaneous!
Currently, we must always think about what's safe and how other people feel about masks, distance, indoors, etc.

having our monthly potlucks with our community of friends
we'll likely have them every two weeks since we've since started having our 'chosen family' Zoom chats every two weeks

traveling with friends
I miss going on trips and exploring new areas with friends

switching a few zoom meetups to in-person meetups


being outdoors - hiking, patio dining, relaxing in a park, walking by water...

visiting each other's gardens

visits with my out of town friends

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What's the plan?
keep it short - i.e. Let's meet up for drinks
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You are born into your family tree, but your buddytree is yours to create.
Attend a Buddytree hangout to meet some potential friends.