What You Have to Offer as a Friend
Organizer Advice
Attend a Buddytree hangout to meet potential friends
What quality or skill are you most proud of when it comes to being a good friend?
19 Answers
my ability to empathize and not judge too harshly

my positive attitude
Which includes my curiosity and optimistic outlook on life.

my ability to be supportive, encouraging and to consider what's most important to my friends

my ability to listen well

my ability to make my friends laugh

Genuine Celebration
Being genuinely happy for a friend when something great happens for them or they achieve their personal goals.

understanding and helping in any time

scheduling calls with friends
on a regular basis

being able to honestly and supportively give my opinion, even if is sometimes not what he or she wants to hear
Sometimes a friend feels he or she needs to always side with you. This can feel good at times but can also be damaging in the long run if it is not what is best for you.

my loyalty
When I'm with my friends, I give them my full attention and support.

my ability to organize activities

checking in with a friend, offering thanks and showing appreciation

my ability to be trustworthy

worldly + well rounded + honesty + integrity + morals = great sounding board

my ability to give support and good advice
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What's the plan?
keep it short - i.e. Let's meet up for drinks
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You are born into your family tree, but your buddytree is yours to create.
Attend a Buddytree hangout to meet some potential friends.