Your Friendship Gaps
Organizer Advice
Attend a Buddytree hangout to meet potential friends
Which of the friendship gaps do you find the most challenging?
18 Answers
not having a sense of community

not having enough meaningful conversations

not having deep friendship connections

not having enough one-on-one time with friends

not having enough fun and laughter

not having enough friends

not having good organizer skills to plan activities with friends

not seeing my friends on a regular basis

poor maintenance skills

not having enough group experiences with friends

not having much confidence or self-esteem
(i.e. to feel worthy of good friends in my life)

Stage of Life Matching
friends at a similar place in life, general matching in: accomplishments, socio-economic ability, experience, potentials, goals etc.

being able to spontaneity meet up or hang out with a friend
I am single with no kids and would love to be able to just message someone for an impromptu lunch, walk, coffee, etc.
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What's the plan?
keep it short - i.e. Let's meet up for drinks
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You are born into your family tree, but your buddytree is yours to create.
Attend a Buddytree hangout to meet some potential friends.